
A plug-in that issues a QR code for public pages of posts, fixed pages, and custom post types. The QR code format is PNG, SVG, EPS, JPEG.


QR code displayDisplay the QR code for any post type on the management screen. The display location displays a QR code and a download button on the list page.Permission settingOutput to any custom post type.Output formatYou can specify the format for downloading the QR code. Formats that can be specified are “PNG”, “SVG”, “EPS”, and “JPEG”.RedirectYou can redirect using a shortened URL instead of the actual page URL.

How to use

Plug-in settingsPlease set from the side menu [QR code management] of the management screen.



Release Date – 2020-03-30

  • QR code data has been added so that URLs, contact information, event information, and free entry can be entered.
  • A function has been added to enable setting of QR code cases.
    Set margins, labels, sizes, logos, change colors, etc.


Release Date – 2019-11-30

  • Added “Original QR code added” function


Release Date – 2019-11-6

  • Added “Available permissions” function


Release Date – 2019-11-1

  • Initial release
QR Code Management
A plug-in that issues a QR code for public pages of posts, fixed pages, and custom post types. The QR code format is PNG, SVG, EPS, JPEG.